From tin can to plastic card (took place 20 November 2013)

Summary and result

From tin can to plastic card (Från plåtburk till plastkort sammanfattning – document in Swedish)

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013, the Resilient Regions Association in association with the Swedish National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket) and the Skåne Food Innovation Network (Livsmedelsakademin), organized a Problem-Challenging Workshop on the challenges of ensuring food security in a region – to guarantee that there is food for everyone, even under pressure.

The aim of the workshop was to identify possibilities for innovation and development of more effective food security across different sectors of society.

There were 26 participants, representing academia, municipalities, government agencies and the business sector. The day resulted in the identification of four potential projects that we will continue to work with.

If you did not take part, you are welcome to contact us for an update.